
Showing posts from January, 2020

Reflecting Today

Learned today that you don’t want to try to rush and be grief stay young as long as you can and that age don’t make you grown . And aslo that death can come at anytime don’t matter how old you is or who you is . And going back to your child hood place could brang back memories and you have to stay focus on what you are doing.👌🏾


Today i learned how u could learn about your Ancestors  and how you caint just look at somebody and say that there African  American because there black you have to look at other features also.and i also learned about poems and broke them down to understand the meanings and we also talked about the rivers and were they were located and were they ran from.


I learned that u just caint really judge something about what you hear because it could mean the opposite of what you think it mean .and i learned that there is an such thing as a good kill but its not always good to kill . A good kill is when someone is harming your sibling and u kill them for harming your sibling